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Vitamin A, STRUCTURE, Vitamin A foods, VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY, Vitamin A benefits

                               VITAMIN A

        Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, store in fatty the tissue of the body. Vitamin A available in two forms in the human diet:  preformed vitamin A and provitamin carotenoids.


Vitamin A occurs in different forms like:

·        Retinol

·        Retinal

·        Retinoic acid

·        Vitamin A foods

          The compounds of vitamin A present in both plants and animals food occur in two different forms like provitamin A and performed vitamin.

          Animal sources of vitamin A are butter, cheese, margarine, oily saltwater fish, milk and yogurt, eggs, liver and liver products, meat, whole milk.



          In plants vitamin A present in the form of beta carotene and then it is converted into Vitamin A. Plants sources of vitamin A are fruits, cantaloupe, leafy greens vegetables, spinach, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, mango, summer squash, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and Red bell pepper.

vegetables and fruits

           Different juices breakfast cereal and dairy products also contain vitamin A.  It is also presented in the form of supplements.


The recommended dosage of male and female is as follow:

•        Males: 900 mcg/day

•        Females700 mcg/day


          Due to the deficiency of vitamin A following diseases are produced in the body.

  1. v Night blindness
  2. v Skin and other tissue becomes dry and rough
  3. v Hair loss
  4. v Increase mortality       
  5. v Iron deficiency lead to anemia
  6. v Liver disorder
  7. v Suppress our immune system

 Vitamin A benefits

Vitamin A has the following benefits;

  • 1.      Vitamin A increases our healthy vision.
  • 2.     It enhances the immune system of the body.
  • 3.     It helps in the proper development and growth of babies in the womb of the mother.
  • 4.     It also enhances the production of white blood cells.
  • 5.     It also acts as an antioxidant in the body.
  • 6.     It helps to maintain healthy teeth and bones.
  • 7.     It also maintains the proper skin tone.
  • 8.      It helps in bone remodeling.


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