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Classification of organic compounds on the basis of structure


Organic compounds are divided into different types on the basis of structure.

Types of organic compounds on the basis of structure

            Organic molecules occur as

  • 1.     Open chain or Acyclic compounds

An open chain is a molecule that doesn't shape into a ring and can either be a straight-chain atom or an extended chain, which means one that goes off in various ways. This chain may either be a straight chain or a branched-chain. These were initially known as Aliphatic compounds because the compounds of this class were obtained from either vegetable fats or animals.

close and open-chain compounds
straight and branched chain

  1.   Close chain or cyclic compounds

            A shut chain is a molecule that frames a ring. This is also called a cyclic compound. The gas in your vehicle has both the open chain and shut chain compounds.

Types of cyclic compounds

Ø  Homocyclic

            These are cyclic compounds that contain only carbon atoms associated with one another in a ring (homocyclic). The carbocyclic or homocyclic mixtures may again be partitioned into two kinds:

ü Alicyclic compounds

            These are the cyclic compounds that contain rings of at least three carbon atoms.  These compounds resemble open-chain aliphatic compounds with respect to their properties. That is the reason these are named alicyclic, i.e., aliphatic cyclic. These are additionally named polymethylenes.

homocyclic compounds

ü  Aromatic compounds

            These are cyclic unsaturated compounds. They get their name from the Greek word Aroma which signifies "fragrant smell" since a large portion of these mixtures bear a charming smell. These are additionally arranged into two sorts:

·         Benzenoid compounds

            These are the compounds that have benzene units in their molecular structure known as benzenoid compounds for example; toluene, phenol.

·         Non-benzenoid compounds

            These are aromatic compounds that do not have benzene units in their molecular structure are known as Non-benzenoid aromatics for example Tropolone, azulene.

aromatic compounds

Ø  Heterocyclic

            This is the type of cyclic compound in which one additional atom is also present beside the carbon atom.

 Types of heterocyclic compounds

  • ·         Alicyclic compounds
  • ·         Aromatic compounds

heterocyclic compounds

classification of organic compounds

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