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nomenclature of alcohol and alkyl halide

         Different rules are used for the nomenclature of alcohol and alkyl halide. Every organic compound has some common names which are used locally in different areas.

Nomenclature of alkyl halide

`   When one of the halogens ( F, Cl, Br, I) is attached with alkyl then this class is known as monohaloakanes. Monohaloalkanes are also called alkyl halides.

Common names of alkyl halide

         Alkyl halides are named on the basis of the nature of the alkyl group. First, we write the name of the alkyl group then we will the name of halogens.

For example:

IUPAC names of alkyl halides

      Alkyl halides have the following IUPAC rules.

1.    Select the longest continuous carbon chain from the whole molecule which has a functional group

nomenclature of alkyl halides
nomenclature of alkyl halides

2.    Number the carbon chain from that side where the functional group (F, Cl, Br, I) gets the lowest possible number.

nomenclature of alkyl halides
nomenclature of alkyl halides

3.    If the same alkyl substituent presents more than one time then use the prefix di, tri, and so on before the name of the alkyl group.

alkyl halide nomenclature,
alkyl halide nomenclature,

4.    The position of each substituent is represented by an appropriate number and separated by commas. If a different substituent is present on the same carbon atom then we will repeat this number to represent each substituent.

alkyl halide nomenclature
alkyl halide nomenclature

Nomenclature of alcohols

     There are two systems for naming alcohols.

Common names of alcohols

       Alcohols are generally known by their common names, which are obtained by adding the word alcohol after the names of alkyl group.

For example:

IUPAC rules for naming alcohol

      Following rules are used for naming alcohols.

1.    First select the longest carbon atom chain which contains the hydroxyl group as the parent name. The names alcohol ends with –ol.

alcohol nomenclature
alcohol nomenclature

2.    Number the carbon atom chain from that side where group (OH) is present. The position of the hydroxyl group is indicated by the number placed before the parent name.

alcohol nomenclature,
alcohol nomenclature,

3.    If more than one –OH groups are present on the carbon atom chain then we use suffix diol,  triol, etc.

alcohol nomenclature,
alcohol nomenclature,

4.    If a double bond is also present in the molecule along with

-OH group then we numbered the carbon atom chain in such a way that hydroxyl groups get the lowest possible number rather than unsaturation.

alcohol nomenclature,
alcohol nomenclature

5.    If a higher priority functional groups (carboxyl acid, aldehyde, and ketone) are present in a molecule along with the hydroxyl group then we named that compound according to priority groups, and –OH group is represented as a substituent in these compounds. –OH  is named as hydroxyl prefix in the form of substitution.

alcohol nomenclature,
alcohol nomenclature

alcohol nomenclature,
alcohol nomenclature

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