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Vitamin C-chemical formula-importance-recommended daily amounts and deficiency diseases

     Vitamins C

      Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that we must use in our diet. It is an organic compound. It belongs to the water-soluble vitamins class. It must be taken on a daily basis because it cannot store in our body. It was discovered in 1932.

Chemical formula

       The chemical name of vitamin C is Ascorbic acid.

Food sources

       It is present in both vegetables and fruit.

  • Ø It is present in citrus fruits, such as oranges, lychees, papayas, lemon, kiwi, and grapefruits.

vitamin C
Citrous fruit
Vitamin C

  • Ø It is present in peppers, broccoli, potatoes, strawberries, blackcurrants, and Brussels sprouts.

vitamin C

vitamins C

  • It is present in tomatoes, cauliflower, bell peppers, and cabbage.

bell peppers

Ø It is also presented in white potatoes, guava, banana, and carrots.

  • Ø We can also take vitamins C in the form of dietary supplements.

Importance of vitamin C

     Vitamins C plays an important role in the proper functioning of the body in the following ways.

  • v      Vitamin C is necessary for the proper functioning and development of the body.
  • v      It plays a role to increase the immunity of the body.
  • v      It plays a role to prevent and treat scurvy.
  • v       Vitamin C is also used to treat the common cold.
  • v       It play role in healing wounds and infections.
  • v      It acts as an antioxidant in the body and neutralizes the dangerous free radicle produced in the body.
  • v     It is required to make fibrous, and collagen proteins in the body.
  • v It also helps to make chemical messengers and different hormones that will be used in nerves and brains.
  • v It maintains our healthy blood vessels, skin cartilage, and bones.
  • v      It protects our cells and keeps them healthy.
  • v      It prevents the production of cancerous cells in the body.

Recommended daily amounts

      The RDA value for males and females is different. It cannot be stored in our body because it is water-soluble vitamins and excrete from the body easily, so it must be taken in daily

  • § The RDA value for men is 90mg per day and 75mg for women.
  • § For pregnant and during lactation this amount increases to 85mg per day.

Deficiency diseases

Many diseases are produced in the body due to the loss of vitamin C.

  • ü     Due to deficiency of vitamin C a disease produced in the body is scurvy. In this disease, loss of collagen occurs then it will weaken the connective tissue. Swelling and bleeding of gums occurs and then teeth will also occur.
  • ü     Delayed in the healing of wounds occur.
  • ü     Hair loss will occur.
  • ü     Iron loss will occur then it will lead to anemia.
  • If we take a high amount of vitamin C than the normal amount then it will also cause many diseases.
  • v     Diarrhea
  • v     Stomach pain


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