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    Biomolecules are molecule which are present in living things. These are the necessary particles of livings beings existing in this world. Biomolecules are as follow;


       These are basically organic compounds  made up of carbon and hydrogen and oxygen. The ratio of hydrogen and oxygen  is 2.1.  the general formula of carbohydrate is

                                                              (C) X (H2O)y

carbohydrates has three types

  1. Monosaccrides
  2. Disaccrides
  3. Polysaccrides


    Protein are made up of amino acids. the amino acid is made up of four different groups

R-groups       hydrogen group          amino group       carboxyl group

protein play a important role  in differentiation, growth, reproduction, regulation, coordination, defence   and function.


     These are molecule which are not soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents like alcohol ether benzene etc. These are high energy molecule. It include oil , fats, steroids and hormones.

Nucleic acid

    These are also organic compound which has ability to make polymers. The basic unit of nucleic acid is nucleotide. it is made up of  three groups

phosphate group             sugar molecule       base

There are two types of nucleic acids


It stands as deoxyribonucleic acid. it is the heredity material of living things.


It stands as ribonucleic acid


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