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Alkyne/ properties / preparation methods/ reaction, and uses of alkyne


            The alkynes are acyclic unsaturated organic compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen only. These compounds are unsaturated, have a triple bond along with single bonds. They have less hydrogen than alkanes and alkenes.

            They contain at least one triple bond in their molecules Some alkyne have only one triple bond these are known as mone-yne and some compounds have two double bonds are known as diyne.

Properties of alkenes

1.      Alkynes are more reactive as compared to alkanes due to their unsaturated nature.

2.      The name of alkynes ends with –yne.

3.      The general formula of alkenes is CnH2n-2, here n shows the number of carbon atoms present in a molecule.

4.      The lower member of the alkyne class is gases but the higher member exits as liquid and solids.

5.      They have at least one triple bond.

6.      These are non-polar compounds, and insoluble in water but readily dissolve in benzene and carbon tetrachloride.

7.       Among all compounds of alkyne, only ethyne/acetylene has a garlic-like smell and other members of alkynes are colorless and odorless.

8.      When burning in the air, carbon dioxide and water is formed.

9.      When a molecular mass of alkynes increases with the increase of chain length, their melting and boiling point also increases.

10.  Alkynes have acidic nature.

Methods for the preparation of alkynes

            Alkynes are prepared by different methods which are as follows.

v Deydrohalogenation of vicinal dihalide

           When vicinal dihalide react with a strong base two molecules of hydrogen halide were removed from two adjacent carbon atoms, then converted into alkyne.



v Industrial preparation

          We can prepare alkyne on an industrial scale by using calcium carbide. In the method, calcium carbide reacts with water and is converted into alkyne.

on industrial scale

v From haloform

          Among all the alkyne, ethyne can be prepared by haloform reaction.


from haloform

v By electrolysis

          In this method, the metal salt of the unsaturated dicarboxylic acid is hydrolyzed in water and converted into alkyne.



v Dehalogenation of tetrahalide

          Alkyne can also be prepared by the reaction of tetrahaloalkane with zinc .


Reactions of alkynes

            Alkynes are more reactive as compared to alkane due to their unsaturated nature. Alkynes have two pi bond that’s why they react quickly with other compounds. It undergoes different types of reactions.

v  Addition reaction

v  Oxidation reaction

v  Polymerization

v  Nature of alkynes  

1.    Addition reactions

          In all addition reactions two molecules of alkyne are used.

v Addition of halogen acid

          Alkyne react with halogen acid and di haloalkanes are formed. It is a 2 step reaction, first alkene is formed and then alkyne is formed.


hydrogen halide

v Addition of hydrogen  

          This reaction occurs in the presence of catalysts Ni, Pt, Pd. Alkane is formed after hydrogenation.



v Addition of halogen

          In this reaction, tetrahalide is formed after the addition of halogen in alkyne. The first dihalide is formed.



v Addition of cyanide

          When alkyne reacts with hydrogen cyanide acrylonitrile is formed.


v Addition of ammonia

          When alkyne reacts with ammonia methyl cyanide/ acetonitrile is formed.

methyl cyanide

v Addition of water

          When alkyne reacts with water in the presence of sulphuric acid and mercuric sulfate at high temperatures.

with water

2.    Acidic nature of alkyne


 Alkyne has acidic nature because alkyne carbon is sp hybridized. When alkyne reacts with sodamide in the presence of liquid ammonia, metal acetylides are formed. Different acetylides has different colours.


metal acetylides

3.    Oxidation reaction

o   Reaction with potassium per magnate.

          When alkyne reacts with  strong alkaline KMnO4, glyoxal, and oxalic acid is formed



o  Reaction with ozone

 When ozone reacts with alkyne, the carboxylic acid is formed.


With ozone

o   Combustion

            When alkyne is treated with oxygen, it will burn with luminous flame  and produce carbon dioxide and water and heat is also evolved in this reaction.

4.    Polymerization

        It is a process in which monomers combine with each other and resulting product will be polymer. Polymerization of alkyne give both type of products linear and cyclic depending upon conditions. The polymers formed in this reaction are low molecular weight polymers.

Ø Formation of vinyl acetylene and divinyl acetylene

          When ethyne reacts with a solution of cuprous chloride and ammonium chloride then vinyl acetylene is formed. It is further converted into divinyl acetylene when reacts with ethyne again.

vinyl acetylene

Ø Formation of benzene

          Ethyne polymerize in Cu tube at 300 ºC and converted into benzene.


benzene formation

Alkynes use

*      Alkynes are used as artificial ripening of fruits.

*       Alkynes are used in the preparation of acetic acid, alcohol, alkanes, alkenes, and carbonyl compounds.

*       They are also used for the manufacturing of many polymers products like polyvinyl ethers, polyvinyl acetate, vinyl acetylene, chloroprene, and neoprene rubber.

neoprene and chloroprene

         We can also use alkynes as a local anesthetic.

*       They are also used for the manufacture of acetylene tetrachloride.

*      They are used in oxyacetylene torch.

*      They are also used for the formation of metal acetylides.

*      A large amount of heat is also obtained from the combustion of alkynes.





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