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Vitamin D chemical formula, food sources, importance, deficiency diseases and RDA

                       Vitamins D

       Vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins that we must use in our diet. It is an organic compound. It belongs to the fat-soluble vitamins class. It is prepared in the sunlight in our skin. So sunlight is very necessary for the preparation of vitamin D. It is prepared from cholesterol in the presence of sunlight. D2 was chemically synthesized in 1931 and D3 is chemically synthesized in 1935.

Chemical formula

        It has two types and both types have different chemical names. The chemical name of vitamin Dis Ergocalciferol and the chemical name of D3 is Cholecalciferol.

Food sources of Vitamin D

       It has the following sources.

  • Ø It is present in the flesh of fatty fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, and trout).


  • Ø It is also present in fish liver oils.


  • Ø  It is present in egg yolk, cheese, fortified milk, beef liver, fortified cereals and juices, and mushrooms.

  • Ø It is also present in milk. Dry fruits (almond, soy) cheddar, broccoli carrots, apple, whole wheat bread, lentils,  and sunflower.


  • Ø It is also prepared in the skin from cholesterol in the presence of sunlight.
  • Ø We can also take vitamin D in the form of dietary supplements.

Importance of vitamin D

     Vitamins D play an important role in the proper functioning of the body in the following ways.

  • v      Vitamin D is necessary to maintain normal blood levels of phosphorus and calcium.
  • v       It promotes healthy teeth and bones.
  • v      It supports lungs for proper functioning.
  • v It also supports our immune system, nervous system, and brain health.
  • v      It also regulates diabetic management by maintaining insulin levels in the blood.
  • v       It also play role in skin protection.
  • v      It acts as a precursor of hormones.
  • v       It prevents our body from the formation of cancerous cells.
  • v      It maintains our healthy blood vessels, skin cartilage, and bones.

Recommended daily amounts

      The RDA value for males, kids, and female is different. It can store in fatty tissues of our body because it is a fat-soluble vitamin.

  • ·     The RDA value for adult men and women is 600 IU/ 15mcg.
  • ·     400IU/ 10mcg is required for children up to age 12 years.

Deficiency diseases

Many diseases are produced in the body due to a deficiency of vitamin D.

  • ü     Due to deficiency of vitamin D a disease produced in the body is osteomalacia. In this disease, bones become soft further it leads to fractures.
  • ü     In children, its deficiency leads to Rickets (bones becomes soft and bend easily)
  • ü     Osteoporosis (bones become weak and brittle) and also leads to fractures even in mild stress.
  • ü      Heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • ü     Diabetes

The high amount of vitamin D leads to many more diseases in our bodies.

·    Hypercalcemia

·    Kidney damage

·    Heart attack

·    Dehydration

·    Lung damage



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